Who Am I? A Psychosynthesis Workshop for Self-Awareness, Self-Discovery, Self-Confidence and Self-Love

February 23rd 2020
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Holistic Healing Arts
370 Dearborn St. Suite A
Englewood, FL
Who Am I is an interactive workshop where we, together in community and mutual support, get to remove our masks and really get to know one another…and most importantly, ourselves. What aspects of ourselves have we been afraid to look at? What is ready to heal? What parts of our shadow are concealing hidden talents, passions and abilities? Our True, Authentic Self is in there, and it always has been! Let’s invite our Self into the light, and invite our Authenticity to Shine!!!
In this workshop we will have a shared ohm circle, learn breathwork techniques and use guided meditations and community sharing to go deeper within ourselves and awaken our Authentic Self. This is a Psychosynthesis workshop. Psychosynthesis is a Spiritual Psychology which focuses on meaning, purpose, and values and pays tribute not only the mind but the body, soul and spirit.
Please call Holistic Healing Arts at 941.313.0260 to secure your spot. Space is limited and so we’re doing pre-registration/payment. $25 love donation. 18 years of age and up. We will congregate in silence, but the workshop will be interactive and communicative.
Cosmic Warrior Wisdom, LLC
Mission: To help people reawaken their Authentic Selves using Psychospiritual tools and techniques in guided, co – creative processes.
Vision; To Raise the Vibration for All of Creation.
Forgiveness Facilitation and Boundary Setting Workshop
September 8th 2019
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Holistic Healing Arts
370 Dearborn St. Suite A
Englewood, FL
Cultivating forgiveness is the work of the Compassionate Warrior. Establishing and maintaining appropriate boundaries, the work of the Wise Warrior.
We grant forgiveness to others. We grant forgiveness to ourselves.
We establish boundaries to keep our energy in Divine Flow. Boundaries serve to protect. Boundaries gift us space which ultimately allows our authenticity and creativity to circulate freely.
Join us In the Name of Death and Destruction; the Death of that which no longer serves, the Destruction of Resentments and Self Righteous Spite.
Click here to read the article that inspired this workshop.
Please call Holistic Healing Arts at 941.313.0260 to secure your spot. Space is limited and so we’re doing pre-registration/payment. $25 love donation. 18 years of age and up. We will congregate in silence, but the workshop will be interactive and communicative.
Cosmic Warrior Wisdom, LLC
Mission: To help people reawaken their Authentic Selves using Psychospiritual tools and techniques in guided, co – creative processes.
Vision; To Raise the Vibration for All of Creation.