Be a caterpillar to be a caterpillar; not to become a butterfly. Immerse yourself in the deep pleasures of your rhythmic, instinctual bodily undulations. Take part fully, in this divine dance, that is so beautifully unique to you. Celebrate the glorious beauty inherent in your bold orange fur. Revel in the unapologetic daring of your masterful black spikes. Ecstatically enjoy the medicinal pulses and vibrations imparted unto you through farther tree and mother earth, for these are the gifts given to you, sweet creature, whose belly lives so closely underfoot. Live not, dear caterpillar, for the day to come, in which your wings unfold and your airborne life takes flight, for that is merely illusory future fancy. Live today, in THIS moment, and steadfastly hold humble gratitude for all that you are right now: nothing short of a miracle, nothing less than perfect, for all that you are, is all that you need be.